At the end of every month, we all get together over at Chatting at the Sky, and we share what we’ve learned that month. I hope you’ll pop over and read what everyone is learning this month. Who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired to share too!
1. I don’t like winter as much as I thought I did. People always look at me really strangely when I say I LIKE winter. There is something about that hush that falls right after a snow storm that is soothing and peaceful to me. However, I’ve discovered that lots of school delays and cancellations are NOT good for my productivity. Maybe it is a throwback to my own school days, but snow days always equal holiday in my mind, and no matter how many times I tell myself I will get up early even if there is a delay, it has yet to happen. Also, it’s been really, really, really COLD. I like winter, but once it dips into single digits, I find my love is fickle, and I start to long for the warmth of spring.
2. I do, however, still like birthday parties. February is my birthday month, and even though I just turned 42, I really like birthdays. I admit it. I get ridiculously giddy about opening presents and having a party and eating cake. Even if it means I’m getting older – maybe especially then.
3. Sometimes, it is harder to watch someone you love go through something hard than to go through it yourself. When people I love are hurting, I want to fix it. Often – probably the majority of the time – I can’t. I just have to stand on the sidelines, at the most cheering them on, while God works in their lives. I have a very dear friend who is going through the adoption process. I wish I could hand her a baby today or make the waiting easier – I can’t. My son has had a rough couple weeks on the basketball floor with several very tough losses. I wish I could take away the sting of defeat or will the team a win, but I can’t. What that comes down to is trusting God is harder when the person He is working on is not you.I have found, for me, it takes so much more faith to trust God’s goodness when it pertains to a loved one’s pain than my own.
4. I really don’t want to be Beth Moore when I grow up. For years, I had this secret fantasy of being a speaker like Beth Moore. I would daydream of speaking in front of a huge audience and impacting hundreds of thousands of lives. When I was 5, I stood up in front of a big audience at Word of Life to give my testimony. They had to pry the microphone out of my little fist. I have never had any issues standing up in front of people. Well, I volunteered to do a workshop at Converge – a teen conference at the end of March. I will admit to you – I am SCARED. TO. DEATH. Now that the date is looming, it is all so very real, and it hits home in a very deep way that what I teach that day matters. A lot. It makes me incredibly nervous to have that responsibility. So, I have decided – I really DON’T want to be Beth Moore because I’d probably have a nervous breakdown or something!
5. God can trump what the experts say. Because of a very busy November and December and then being sick for 6 weeks, my freelancing plans have not gone according to, well, plan. I didn’t get out my queries, and I just felt like a big fat failure. I mean, what kind of loser am I that I can’t even finish up a few queries and get them out? So, I was praying about how stuck I felt – as in every time I got any momentum going, life stuck it’s foot out and tripped me up. The very next day I opened my email only to find an editor I had never met, asking me to write an article for a publication I had never heard of, for 8 times as much as I normally make. Yeah, that pretty much never happens. Like never, ever. I can’t begin to explain what a huge encouragement that was, and I couldn’t help smiling that basically what every expert says never happens (an assignment falling into my lap without any marketing whatsoever), God made happen.
6. If I want to get up earlier, I’m going to have to go to bed earlier. I know – duh right? The thing is, I’m a night owl. I LIKE staying up late, but I have found if I get a late start to my day, then I just don’t get much done. And honestly, no matter how many times I tell myself I can always take a nap later, I still can’t seem to drag myself out of bed until the last minute. So, in the month of March I am committing to turning off my light at 10:30 p.m. and getting up at 6:30 a.m.. Yes, even with the time change (yuck!). Good thing I like coffee!
7. I became a big believer in essential oils. Even though I have believed essential oils work for a while now, that was mostly in theory. During the month of February, essential oils have proven to be worth their weight in gold. Inhaling tea tree oil steam got rid of my sore throat. Rubbing an immune blend on my feet has kept me from getting sick and rubbing on lavender has made me chilled out. I am excited to add this to my medicine cabinet.
So, what has the month of February taught you? I’d love to hear about it!
Blessings, Rosanne
Well, Happy Birth-month. 🙂
That’s a lot of stuff to have learned in the shortest month of the year. 🙂
Good luck with #6. That would be hard for me! It’s not the getting up that’s hard for me, it’s the going to sleep. Have you ever looked into Hello Mornings? If not, that might be a helpful resource for you.
BC recently posted…Future Ink
I’m so glad you stopped over! 🙂 Both going to bed early AND getting up are hard for me so I will have to try that Hello Mornings thing and I’ll let you know if it worked for me! 🙂
Your #3 – so true! Your #5 – God is so good! #7 – Peppermint has helped with my sinus congestion and lavender is indeed calming. Visiting from Chatting at the Sky today : )
Mindy recently posted…What I learned in February
Hey Mindy – I’ve used peppermint oil to help with headaches. It’s good stuff! And God is so good! I”m glad you stopped by!
Ahh! I’m nervous for you! But You Are Going To Do Great! And I’m so glad you mentioned the whole go to bed earlier, except…. that doesn’t mean I actually fall asleep. 🙁 If you find someway to do this please let me know on the secret!
Chelsea recently posted…What I Learned In February
Honestly, the best thing that helps me is to turn off all electronics about 90 minutes before I want to go to sleep. I also plan on using my lavender oil and avoiding really good books – so I can actually turn off the light and not keep reading “just one more chapter!” lol I’m so glad you stopped by, Chelsea! 🙂