Have you ever secretly wondered why you were going to church? Does it seem that others are in some spiritual club for which you have never figured out the secret handshake?
I’ve been in church all of my life, and I asked Jesus to be my Savior at the young age of 5. I went to a Christian school and had lots of head knowledge, but I felt like something was missing. I felt this yearning for something more.
For a long time, I kind of thought I needed to DO more – be more involved in church, go faster, be more productive, be a better person, or maybe travel somewhere like Africa to really be a “good” Christian. I wondered why other people heard from God and had Him show up regularly in their lives when I didn’t.
It wasn’t until my late 20s that I started to really KNOW God in a personal, intimate way through learning to study His Word on my own. Instead of learning about the Bible, I was learning from the Bible. Instead of learning about God from others, I was learning about Him from the source.
I still get ridiculously excited when God shows me some truth in a passage of Scripture I’ve read many times before. I am amazed all over again every time God answers my questions, redeems His promises, or speaks into my life.
Are you longing for something more too? Are you a believer, but secretly ask yourself why that doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of difference in your regular, everyday life? Do you wonder if all of God’s promises and power are reserved for someone else – someone who is more spiritual or somehow more deserving than you? Someone less ordinary.
My prayer for you is the same as Paul’s was for the Ephesians in Ephesians 1:18, 19, “I pray that the eyes of your heart might be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”
God wants that for you right now – right in the midst of your ordinary life whether that’s changing diapers, chauffeuring kids around or working that night job to pay the bills. God wants you to invite Him into your ordinary, so He can do something extraordinary.
I’m just an ordinary person – a mom to two sons ages 15 and 18, and a wife to The Coach for almost 24 years. Yet, God makes a daily difference in my life, right where I’m at. It didn’t take going to Africa for Him to show up. He was waiting for the invitation into my ordinary all along.
This is a place about knowing God better, stepping fully into who we are in Him and seeing His faithfulness not just in the big things, but in the mundane everyday things too. I hope you’ll join me!
Blessings, Rosanne