Welcome to the first day of the 31 day blogging challenge hosted by The Nester. During the challenge bloggers link up for 31 days to share their series. There are a variety of categories from which to choose. You can check them all out here.
Last year, I did this challenge mostly on a whim without a lot of pre-planning, and then I found out early in October that my Dad had cancer. While I did manage to get a post up most days, it was really difficult. This year, my Dad is doing a lot better, (thank you, God!), and I actually did a little planning ahead. 🙂 I’m hoping to be a bit more successful in staying with my topic, and actually posting every day. 🙂
This year, I will be doing 25 days about 25 women in the Bible and the lessons we can learn from them. I started teaching a series in my Sunday School class a year or so ago about women in the Bible. While most of the women I had heard about in Sunday school as a kid, I was surprised about how much I didn’t know. Instead of characters in a story, the more I studied the more real they became to me. And unlike the sanitized, flannel-graph stories from my youth, these women’s stories were far from G-rated.
There are 188 named women in the Bible, and they include adulteresses, liars, schemers, and even prostitutes. Yet, God used them, just like He can use us. Even when we are broken and a hot mess – maybe especially then.
Below, you will find a list of the women I will be blogging about. Each day, there will be a new link you can click on. I hope you will enjoy getting to know these 31 women over the next 31 days.
Blessings, Rosanne
The MatriarchsÂ
Women in Moses’ Life
Women in David’s Life
Other Old Testament Women
Villians Who Were Bad to the Bone
Unnamed Women
New Testament Women
P.s. I meant for this to go up on Wednesday evening when the 31 day blogging challenge started. Unfortunately, I ran into some major technical difficulties and I just now have everything straightened out. That means, I only have 25 days instead of the original 31, but hey, God is in control – even in the midst of technical difficulties! I am just so thankful that I still will be able to join the challenge!
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