I’m not sure how it is Friday again already. What I do know is that since it is Friday, it’s time to do some free writing with some other wonderful women from all over. If you haven’t been a part of 5 Minute Friday, it’s a link up where women from across the country (and probably world) all write about one word for five minutes – no editing, no perfectionism allowed.  Are you ready?

This week’s topic: GROW

Several years ago, I planted my very first vegetable garden. I did the square foot gardening method and I went to Lowe’s and some nice worker there helped me find all the supplies I needed to construct the raised bed. I painstakingly combined the different types of soil and compost that the guy in the book suggested.  I divided my little 4×4 foot garden bed into squares and then I planted the seeds, carefully poking them in the freshly turned soil.

I don’t know why, but for some reason I was really shocked when things actually started to grow. I remember coming into the house and exclaiming to my husband, “The green beans are growing! There’s all these little plants! Can you believe it?”

My husband grew up in the country, so he started laughing.  “What did you expect would happen?” he said. “Wasn’t that why you did all this work?”

So many times, in my own life, I put in the work or the time or whatever, but I’m not really expecting the harvest. I’m not sure why, but I’m always sort of pleasantly shocked by the fact that there is growth and change.

Like my little garden, some things take only a little tending before they shoot up into green sprouts, while others take more time and attention.

Today is my oldest son Brock’s last day of high school. I’m not sure how we got here so quickly. It seems just yesterday he was starting his first day of high school. I remember that day very distinctly because he fell and broke his nose which was kind of memorable!

I’ve prayed very specific prayers for my sons, and God has answered many of them in ways I wasn’t expecting. The growth and change have taken me by surprise. I remember praying that Brock would love God’s Word. I always provided the tools like devotionals and stuff, but I never felt I should make my kids do devotions because that kind of defeats the purpose. Then one of his teachers challenged the kids to read their Bible every day. Since then, studying God’s Word has become a big part of Brock’s life. He has become a critical thinker too because of that. He recognizes if someone teaches something and it’s a bit off. He’ll go home and look it up to see for himself.

And I find myself surprised – even though I prepared the soil and planted and watered it – that he has grown so much in this way.

Sometimes, the things I prayed for weren’t obvious on the surface. Like a carrot or radish, the growth was all going on under the surface. I worried and I prayed and I fretted – only to find that God was working and moving. I just couldn’t see it.

That’s the thing about God – He is faithful. He WILL bring a harvest. He WILL bring growth – even if sometimes, we can’t see it right away. So, if you are looking for growth and aren’t seeing it, keep watering and tending. God promises that what we sow, we will reap.

Blessings, Rosanne

3 Comments on 5 Minute Friday – GROW

  1. So good! I love this whole concept and idea. I am from farm country and love the idea of planting the seed and watching it grow. And even after so many years I still love the sight of those first sprouts popping up through the ground. It’s a good thing.
    My son is also graduating from high school this year and it has all gone by so fast. There were times I was wondering if we were going to see how things were going to come together but my hubby kept saying, “He’ll land well.” and he has! God is good that way and it’s awesome to see these little guys grow into good men!
    Thanks for these good words today! I enjoyed reading them! (It makes me want to go out and plant something! 🙂 )
    Happy Friday to you. (Your neighbor at #fmf)

  2. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. and encouragement. My kids are growing up with only their Mummy believing (for now!). I’m sorely restricted in what I can share with them…but I’m praying and trusting and resting in the truth that God will work through me the more I learn to lean into Him.

  3. Rosanne, God’s promises are true. There are times we pray and see a clear answer to our prayers and then from my own experience I can say that God allows things that are the opposite of our prayers. But I am here to say that when we have deep-deep-deep sorrows in life, only God can cultivate our sorrows with His Love through His word. Joshua 1:9 says….. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God [is] with thee whithersoever thou goest. and then…..
    Isaiah 41:10-13 – Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
    What do people do without the Lord.
    Love you, Mom

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