If you are on social media at all, you know that this weekend the internet was blowing up about a movie called Noah. On my Facebook feed, probably 10 reviews were posted. This will not be one of them, in case you are wondering.

People argued both sides of the fence – pretty passionately. I even chimed in a few times over the absurdity of holding this film to a biblical standard even though it is a remake of Brian Godawa’s graphic novel Noah Primeval. I had a few people get rather cranky with me about it.

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I actually don’t care if you go see Noah. I probably won’t see it at all, and if I do, it will be with a free redbox coupon. I’m not much for those movies where everything is in a sort of gritty realism that makes you feel like nobody has ever showered. I don’t really like watching things that are disturbing and the story of Noah, at it’s core IS disturbing because EVERYONE but Noah and his family dies. Every. Single. Person.

I can’t imagine how that would have felt to be sealed in the ark and hear the cries and pleas and screams of the people outside, knowing they were dying. It makes me shudder, and I know watching it on the big screen would probably give me nightmares. After all, I am the person who after seeing the Titanic, dreamed about it over and over until I had dreamed a happy ending. Yet, numerous people were surprised that the movie was disturbing.

There are arguments – from good people – on both side of the fence about why you should or shouldn’t see Noah. Since I assume most of you are adults and can think critically, I’ll leave it to you whether you choose to go or not.

What I am bothered by is WHY we feel the need to spend so much time and energy on Noah. It’s a movie. Entertainment. Yet, believers are spending time, energy and emotion on something that in a month or two won’t even matter.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I get why faith-based films are a great thing. I get that wonderful people work hard to bring them to the big screen so people can have quality entertainment, and I understand the importance of that because I am a big believer in the power of stories (even fictitious ones) to impact people.

But bringing faith-based films to the big screen really won’t do anything if our actions send a different message.

The fact is, the unbelieving world is watching us. They are watching us argue with each other and treat each other unkindly. They are watching us cut down and harshly criticize a director that at least is curious about Biblical narratives. They are watching us act hypocritically (after all, how many believers loved Evan Almighty or let their kids watch Veggie Tales – both of which were less than Biblically accurate)

They are watching us expend energy on something that, ultimately, does not matter, while ignoring things that desperately do. It makes believers appear small-minded, petty and in many cases, uninformed. A movie that is based on a book written by an atheist and directed by an atheist whose last film was The Black Swan, is not a faith-based film. It’s just a movie.

Each day we argue about Noah, thousands of people die and go to hell.

Each day we argue about Noah, thousands of children die of starvation.

Each day we argue about Noah. thousands of women and children are enslaved.

Each day we argue about Noah, thousands of hurting people despair of going on.

We have the answer. We have the Good News – and it’s not that Noah is or isn’t a good movie to see.

Maybe instead of spending all our time shouting to the world and at each other, what we don’t stand for and what we are against, we should spend more time sharing what we DO believe in and what we DO stand for.

Imagine what would happen if we expended as much energy sharing the Gospel as we have spent debating the merits of a movie.

Blessings, Rosanne

12 Comments on Why I Don’t Care if You See Noah or Not

  1. Rosanne,
    The movie Noah has caused a lot of chatter and controversy!!! As far as I’m concerned, if a movie, book, etc., takes away from the inspired word of God, we as Christians should not be a part of it at all – even a free Red Box, smile Rosi!!.
    You clearly know how your parents felt about movies when you were being raised, but since the increase of garbage on TV it has come to the point movies are movies and trash is trash whether it be in our home or the theater. I love a good movie, but they are hard to come by.
    Just a little imput from someone who really loves you! Proud of you and your service for our soon Coming Lord.
    Love, Mom

    • Hi Mom – I figure if people are adults, they can make their own decisions on what they do or don’t watch. I just don’t want to waste time or energy on something that in the eternal scheme of things doesn’t really matter all that much. There are more urgent things we, as believers, need to focus on. πŸ™‚ Love you too!

  2. I LOVE this post, and I agree. I’m a strong Christian, and my husband and I went to see Noah, and we honestly liked it . . . for a movie, like you said. I think that it’s great to see people becoming curious about Bible stories and using their imaginations to fill in some of the details. Now, there were some highly unlikely details in Noah (like the fallen angels being good guys) . . . But hey, if it starts discussions and makes people want to open up their Bibles to see what is true, than I’m all for that. I think you made so many excellent points here, especially that films like Veggie Tales aren’t even biblically accurate. Good job!
    Jane @ Devoted SONriser recently posted…21 Dates With God: Whenever You CanMy Profile

    • Hi Jane – I’m so glad you stopped over. πŸ™‚ I think, if we are honest, almost every movie or book that is based on a Bible story has used imagination to fill in some of the blanks. I have to admit, even though I’m not a huge sci-fi fan (and this is a sci-fi movie), I am getting more and more curious to see this movie myself. πŸ™‚ Thanks again for stopping by and adding to the conversation. πŸ™‚

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think it is so easy to get distracted by things that truly don’t matter in the long run. I also think it is important that as followers of Christ, we need to be known by the love we show each other and the love we show the world.

    • Thanks for stopping by Jolene. I read this book called UnChristian, and the author did a lot of research about what unbelievers think about those professing to be believers. One girl said, “They seem to care more about being right than about me.” That really stuck with me. Thanks for joining the conversation over here! πŸ™‚

  4. “But bringing faith-based films to the big screen really won’t do anything if our actions send a different message” YES! I couldn’t agree with you anymore. It really bothers me when so many believers take a strong stand for something in entertainment or pop culture, yet their actions remain silent on so many other things. Thanks so much for sharing this, and I’m with you on being so sensitive about things that I see πŸ™‚
    Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper recently posted…The Weekly Meeting {a happy marriage secret}My Profile

    • Thank you for stopping by Victoria! I do think, as believers, we should be gracious even when we disagree. Unbelievers are very turned off when we treat each other poorly. I’m so glad you dropped in and joined the conversation! πŸ™‚

  5. I couldn’t agree with you more especially when you said…”The fact is, the unbelieving world is watching us. They are watching us argue with each other and treat each other unkindly. They are watching us cut down and harshly criticize a director that at least is curious about Biblical narratives.”….They are watching everyday, all the time. My prayer is that God’s reflection is what they see. Have a Blessed week.
    Crisi recently posted…Forgiveness RestoresMy Profile

    • Hi Crisi – I’m so glad you could stop by. I often wonder what an unbeliever sees when they watch my actions. My hope and prayer is that it is Jesus in me and not something that turns them away from Him. Thanks for joining the conversation here! πŸ™‚

    • Hi Leigh Ann! πŸ™‚ To be honest, I was a little nervous about posting this because I didn’t want to offend people, but I feel so strongly that the unbelieving world is watching us closely, and if we turn them off by our behavior, then we never get to share the Good News with them. I really appreciate you stopping in and joining the conversation! πŸ™‚

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